Don’t let this go. Contact this “Christian” organization in writing alerting them of the plagiarism, and warning them that your attorney will contact them if it ever happens again.

My husband has been a professional writer for over 45 years and he caught someone plagiarizing his writing once- in a publication owned by a Catholic! After the confrontation and warning it never happened again.

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This is THEFT!!! This company needs to be exposed and punished according.

Plagiarism must be exposed, and the thief should accept. The consequences for his/her actions…..and repent!

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Why am I not surprised. They should be ashamed at this outright theft. They need to retract and apologize.

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So sorry that someone stole your words. However, I would like to comment on the integrity of your tours. I took a tour to the Holy Land with my church (not Catholic). The leader promised "spiritual growth" and insisted this was a pilgrimage, not a tour. When I got there, my entire bus load of people were led on the tour for a week by a Muslim. The man was wonderful, but it was not the Christian growth that I expected (or paid for). I know from following you that you genuinely give a spiritual experience that anyone seeking such an experience would cherish.. I wish you (and your family) all the best and hope that you have continued success beyond your imagination. I believe you always deliver what you promise. If I were doing the tour again, I would go with you despite being Protestant. God Bless.

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I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is totally WRONG and in violation of the 8th Commandment, which means that author (if Catholic) should be refraining from Holy Communion. DEFINITELY contact the company. The Catholic world is pretty small, and we should always treat each other well.

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I’d contact the company, the owners will want to know that the employee tasked with that job is a thief.

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Keep up your wonderful work just pray for those who stole your words obviously they don’t have the education to do it on their own

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This is pretty outrageous. Being a "recovering" programmer, I know that intellectual property theft can be serious crime.

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Assuming they felt so technically inept to do this.

Worse, they seem to be planning the whole itinerary -you're due commission lest you're accused of simping theirs. At least a cease and desist disclaimer on your site copyright.

LOL [Laugh Out Loud] a good share.

ps. Oberammergau always sounds so good but less of the politik these days.

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"Jesus, I trust in you" He will guide you on how to proceed. Ranting is good, getting it out, take a deep breath, pray, then, go after that large company in a way that will bring you peace. I look forward to joining one of your tours, Holy Land, spending the Lenten season in Rome, Vatican and Rome Cathedrals tour with all the relics, an Assisi retreat, and mostly an up close view and mass of our Holy Father, Pope Francis. God Bless you Mountain and all your family. I love following the Catholic Traveler!

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I would send your complaint to the company and request some type of compensation for them using your copyrighted information.

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Time for legal action? Perhaps, a short cease and desist to the company would force them to change this and prevent any further theft.

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Don't let this go Mountain! At the very least you should contact the company. They owe you repiration (monetary would be good) and a GREAT BIG APOLOGY! If this is copyrighted you could sue, or at least threaten to, which certainly would not be good for their reputation/business

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I’m so sorry! Although I’ve never traveled with you , I have friends who have, and I’ve so enjoyed the pictures and postings do while on pilgrimages. This is just wrong on so many levels. But I’m glad someone discovered it and that you’ve responded!!!

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I pray this was one person doing the wrong thing, and that those in charge fire them. If it was someone in charge, step down.

I have learned so much from reading your posts and watching your Tipsy Tuesdays and Second Cup Saturday.

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Oh I’d be livid and rightly so. Have you contacted the company? This is so disrespectful and shameful on their part. The company may also not realise the staff writer has done this. As a writer it must be so upsetting for your hard work to be simply stolen. Best of luck with all your events.

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